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Clinical Canine Massage Therapy

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Clinical Trials  - Press release

There are approximately 700 muscles that make up 45-50% of your dog's body weight. Like humans, dogs can also suffer stiffness, soreness and continued discomfort from a muscular issue. 





Moving/lying/standing/sitting in an unusual way from the norm

Slowing down or just doesn't seem 'quite right'

Dog appears to age before it's time

Increased sleeping

Reluctant or stops doing something they once used to do  

Behavioural changes

Off food


Massage therapy is a significant tool in maintaining or improving your dogs overall health and wellbeing and is suitable for all sizes and age of dog and is not limited to injury specific or orthopaedic conditions. A general all over massage brings many benefits to the fit and well dog. It is soothing, relaxs and identifies areas before they become a problem.




  • Eases and warms, sore, stiff and aching joints

  • Relieves sore, stiff, fatigued and aching muscles, by improving flexibility, enhancing suppleness and tone.

  • Reduces stress and tension

  • Supports Orthopaedic conditions - Becomes part of the conditions management.

  • Identification of injury and imbalances.

  • Speeds up injury recovery time.  


Following treatments, owners have reported their dogs to be;


  • More loving and willing to be touched

  • Playing again

  • Doing tasks they had stopped doing

  • Improved mobility

  • Improved posture

  • Sleeping better

  • Eating better

  • Happier and more confident

  • Improved skin and coat

  • In some cases, but not all, dogs have been able to come off long term pain medication. Massage is suitable for dogs that can not tolerate NSAIDS.


I am unable to treat dogs with;


Uncontrolled Epilepsy 


Severe heart conditions

Un-managed diabetes

Pregnant bitches  



If your dog has any of the above conditions that are under control and managed (this excludes pregnant bitches), which have a lameness / stiffness / issue, that is not clearing up through alternative therapies or medication and is becoming a welfare concern for the dog, please seek veterinary consent before getting in touch.




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